My Studio…..My Home…..My Hub…….
Winter is the time for comfort,for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and a talk beside the fire. It is the time for home….
My hiatus is weeks over now but boy! oh boy! did I enjoy the total disconnect.It lasted about 3 whole weeks
I put down my phone, my laptop ,my i-pad in late December 2019 and re-connected with the world around me….
I spent quality time with the ones I hold dear and then a few days away with the main squeeze himself (he does give
the best hugs) and boy did we totally chill. I’m usually a Culture-Vulture when I’m away in foreign lands.I’m hungry to go to
the Art galleries, the Museums, the famous parks, the city bus tours.I love soaking up the charm of the place. However
after an extremely busy and intense November and December we spent our time in Spain doing absolutely nothing,
nada……. and we had a ball doing it.
It really gave me the time to think and remember how important it is to disconnect at times and re-invest in the world
and the human race. Its an amazing place and we are amazing people. Spend time in nature. Smell the earth, feel
the soft grass underfoot.Release that ponytail and let the wind take your hair. Be present without distractions…..
Lesson Learned…..
I’ve been back at the easel now for the last few weeks plotting and planning my year for 2020.My Studio is in my
home, it’s by choice, its my hub .We are back to a family of 6 with my eldest home from her sabbatical in Chicago.
It meant we had to re-work my Studio and reconfigure the living spaces in our home.We had an area of dead space between our kitchen and my studio ,so just like that my talented hubby made us a wonderful snug complete with a new wall TV
and retro 1970’s sofa…I’ve gained extra wall space in my studio and the space is working better for me now.I’m delighted and we are all happy.I’m immersed in this house.Its were we live, eat , play, breathe and create.Its busy but its my hub.
I have found that what enriches my work is the very essence of family life.The comings and goings, the din of conversations and ripples of laughter.When we are all here, we are all safe.There’s comfort in that.
Right now I have a business to run, commissions to finish. I have 2 new galleries to work with this year
and I have shows to book.I will continue to do what I do everyday, show up , do the work , trust my Process….
and remember to take the time to Disconnect…..