Back to The Studio, New Feels, New Chances, Same Dreams

In the Universe there are things that are Known and things that are Unknown, and in between there are Doors…..

I know that I’m a Mother and I’m an Artist.
I show up everyday to the Studio and do the Work Its my Job. Its a real job. 9 – 4 and I know how lucky I am to Love what I do.
I know that after a fantastic 3 week break in warmer climes with the people I Love, I’m rejuvenated and I have lots to do including
a number of important Commissions to complete, my New Spring/Summer Collection to work on and my 2019 Calender to plan.

What is Unknown is What the future will throw at me.
I’ve upgraded my Studio and I’m so happy with my New Space.It was initially a second lounge in my Home which has had a number of costume changes over the years as our family grew. Originally a Playroom, then Playroom/Office .Then a Living Room/Office/Playroom (well a box of toys in the corner really, as the kids got older) and now my Studio..,Its all Grown Up and I cant wait to get started.

The Doors are my Choices, my Resolves for the year ahead.
I will attend a class this year to improve my technical ability and hone my skills…I’m still Learning, sure are’nt we all.
I will be more consistent with my Health and Fitness for my Body, Soul and my Mind staying positive and focused on my Family and my Goals ….Leave your negativity at the door please.

I will keep up this Blog on a weekly basis now that I have finally started it although it does scare the crap out of me to do so.I guess you’ve got to be a Beginner before you can be anything else.
I will show up everyday, work hard and trust my Process.

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Phone: 086 057 38 20

Email: [email protected]